
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

TWIS #15

This is my group mates working together to try to make it stand
 This week in science we did several things. They consist of our third and last marshmallow challenge. It went pretty well for my group compared to the last times because we knew what not to do. still even at that we struggled to make a good structure but its better than before. Also we did a video of ourselves to our 10th grade teacher. I made mine nice by going to the roof instead of the staircase.

                                      This week in science i learned that a good structure has lots of support from tape. my group used almost a full roll of it. we also learned a lot my ability to work in groups changed over the 3 different times i did the Marshmallow Challenge. i am better at working in groups now because i'm not nervous anymore about speaking aloud. i do not like working in large groups just because i'm more independent and like to work on my own other than that its pretty fun.

This is how we communicated without talking
This is our second tower which was way taller than the first

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

This Year in Science - 10th Grade Intro Video

My name is Sebastian, I'm in the 9th grade and in a few months i'll be in 10th. I have some personal interests such as sleeping, laying on my couch, eating and other fun things. Then theres my academic interests which consist of not failing. The only thing thats grown in science this year I'd say in my vocabulary and my lack of interest in plants because those things are just boring. I don't see when im going to be using some of the words i learned in science since im not planning to be a scientist or even a science teacher. I struggle in large written packets because reading isn't really fun to me unless im extremely interested in the subject. I don't know what i want to tell my science teacher for next year i guess they're just gonna have to find out more of me when the see me. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

TWIS #11

         This week in science we did a lot of things such as we went to the park to look for rocks and small twigs to put in our spider habitat tank that david gave to us. I also received worms and little bugs so the spider can eat them. We also made annotations on a google doc of what are the cons and pros of an environment. Also we used our prior knowledge on some words we learned a long time ago. Before we actually went we discussed in groups what should go in the tank and we made a drawing of it but, it didn't work out as we planned. We just got random things that we found.
         I learned that people dont like when random kids go to the park and dig up the dirt around the park even though we put it back. I think it was a fun experience since we got to go out of the class room. I also learned about little creepy green bigs that I found by just digging on the surface and then the big worms are deeper down.

Friday, May 11, 2012

TWIS # 13

 If we were to leave these spider habitat tanks sealed but removed all of the plants, then they would get no glucose, photosynthesis, or oxygen. Then the spiders would produce too much carbon dioxide and die from lack of oxygen and energy. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

TWIS #12

This week in science we got the spider in our tank. It was a cellar spider. Then we got flightless fruit flys that are genetically engineered to have really small wings that are not used for flying. Also we made a booklet to keep track of the spiders and we drew on it then wrote the definitions of mutualism, parasitism, and commensalism. Timothy and me put 6 more spiders in the tank after our first one died to see if they would fight to the death but they actually stay a little bit apart from each other.

This week in science I learned that the spiders aren't really fighters. Also I learned that the spiders like high places and they even though are in te same tank are somewhat territorial. By that i mean it likes to have some space to its self. If another spider tries to go there it looks like its going to attack it. Then i learned they dont really like water because we dumped some food in the water and not one spider went for it. Something i want to know is how the first spider died and why that spider didn't make webs at all.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

TMIS #10

           This month in science David was absent for a week and Jaime taught us with another lady. Durning the week we had Jaime as a teacher we did group working testing different water from different laces. We tested for hardness and chlorine. We also worked on some work sheets. When David got back we started to do a human impact project and now we're working on a campaign for a t-shirt. Some people cam every friday to guide us through the project.

          I can't really remember much of what we did the whole month but i learned of water usage by taking a survey around our school. I learned that most people in the lower east side of manhattan dont recycle. People were not stoping to take our survey but we got like 3 people to take it. Also i learned how to test water for minerals, waste, and chlorine.


            This week in science i dissected a mouse. its way different than dissecting a cricket because the cricket has a hard exoskeleton and not much organs. the mouse on the other hand, has soft skin and a lot more insides. also the mouse doesn't have bone it has cartilage that takes the place of that. thats an adaptation so it can go through tight spaces with ease and not break anything.                
            I learned that from all the jumping they do, frog's leg muscles r huge compared to the rest of there body. but deep inside all that muscle there leg bones are as thing as tooth picks. also its skin isn't so easy to cut. even though they looked slimy and squirmy they're actually rough. Also i learned that you can tell weather the frog is male or female by just looking at their thumbs. the aha moment i had was that i cute straight through the brain of a mouse without even realizing it.                                                      


In this week in science we learned some vocabulary such as dorsal and ventral views which are the front and back view of the specimen. on this specimen its posterior is at the back end of it and its distal to the anterior which is the head of the specimen. This Crickets environment are grassy places. If my organism needed to adapt to a watery place it would need gills and webbed feet or fins because its small thin legs wont push it far in water.                                                                                          
This is a ventral view of a Cricket.
Also we learned about the parts or a cricket and dissection. Also the tools needed to dissect. While i was dissecting i didn't know the organism had an open circulatory system which means it doesn't have veins so when i cut it all its fluid leaked out. It was an aha and an ew moment.
This is the side view of a Cricket.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Human Impact Ad Campaign

In this image im showing our Water You Gonna Do When Its GONE? campaign. It signifies how over the years pass our water gets dirtier and drinking water can get dirtier too.

Monday, March 5, 2012

New York rulings could embolden towns to ban fracking

            In this article the author talks about how NY banning fracking encourages other small towns to do the same. They express all of this in boring law terms. The author writes " New Bans a MISTAKE" so I'm guessing he thinks the thought of fracking is good if he thinks that banning it is a mistake.The author had some statistics but didn't even have a graph or a picture so he pretty much wined. The author didn't state what side he was for but by some wordings i think he was against banning fracking.
            What i thought about this article is that it was expressed in really boring words. I barley understood what i read and it didn't attract my attention. I'm not sure weather i agree or disagree with the author because his point wasn't clear but what i do agree with is that fracking isn't good. I'm still wondering why the author didn't even include a picture or graph.