We want to know if the crickets would prefer to eat fruit or vegetable. My hypothesis is that the crickets would prefer the fruit because its sweeter.Crickets ears are located on the knees of their front legs. Crickets can see different directions at the same time. Also crickets in the wild have a life san of less than a year
. Female crickets do not chirp. Male crickets cause the chirping sound by rubbing his left wing against the upper edge of his right wing.
experiment setup |
experimental data |
I set up the tank by placing cut up apple on one corner of the tank and cut up celery in the opposite corner. Then we placed the cricket in the middle and saw were it went.
In the data part i followed were the cricket was going in the tank.
I can infer that my hypothesis was right because even though the cricket didn't stay on apples it was there longest. It would go to the celery but just come back to the apple so I can see that it prefers the apple more that the celery.
I like how you spoke about weather if the crickets would like crickets or veggies. I understand the picture since the first sentence talks about what you were going to be talking about.